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Written on: July 22nd, 2014 in Archives, Entrepreneurship
Happy Summer fellow Delawareans – Please join the Delaware Division of Libraries in a conversation: How can we water, nurture and grow entrepreneurship in Delaware? There are already great resources and supports in some areas, but let’s take this to the best step (not the next step)! In Delaware, our very own Small Wonder, what can we do? There are some neat things happening and I am impressed by successful entrepreneurs who have volunteered their time to develop some start-up dream opportunities for others. We can do more, can’t we?
In the library system, we have conversations, so we are hoping that one way we can contribute to the nurturing of new and growing businesses is by being a LARGE SPONGE for ideas (that we will share in the Fall). We also love to share information and ideas.
Join the discussion on this blog or via social media: