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Ada Lovelace Day

Written on: April 13th, 2010 by: in Blog Posts


With the recent emphasis nationally and in Delaware on STEM initiatives, particularly ones focused on girls, I’m embarrassed to note that I missed the recent “Ada Lovelace Day” which was held March 24th. Established last year, Ada Lovelace Day celebrates the achievements of women in science and technology, and is named for the woman who wrote the first computer programs, for Babbage’s Analytical Engine, in 1843. You can find a number of books about her at your library.

There were a large number of Lovelace-themed blog postings published to celebrate the day, on a variety of technology- and computing-focused blogs. I was particularly impressed with these female technologists who are “making” in a way that Cory Doctorow would be proud of!

In libraries, we should take the day to remember the tremendous contributions of women to library technology in particular their work in Microfilming and Open-source library systems. This Library Journal article from 2007 is a recent take on how women have moved library technology forward and have led the profession in a way that is in some ways unique in the technology profession.
