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Written on: June 12th, 2009 by: in News
Look out for this Public Service Announcement on local TV as Summer Library Reading Program (SLRP) events and activities take over Delaware’s public libraries for the summer!
SLRP is more than just a tremendously fun summer program for kids- it also provides a vital link to continuing literacy development through the school break and avoiding “summer loss”. You can read an article about the educational impact of programs that engage children with continued literacy development during the summer here (to summarize- children are at risk of losing a year and a half of reading development between Grades 1-6 if they don’t read during the summer).
The Division of Libraries and Division of the Arts also organize a performance series to enhance and promote library SLRP programs. You can see the full performance schedule at the Delaware Center for the Book website or at the DelawareScene arts and culture events listing website.
The Collaborative Summer Library Program provides resources to library partners for SLRP programs- you can visit their website for more information.