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Let’s be weird together

Written on: May 5th, 2009 by: in Learning Journeys

Kathy here: Phase III of the DLLJ is underway!  And, it centers on monthly meetings after the formal program presentation.

Readers bring one or two titles to each meeting to share with the group. This exercise offers up new reading choices, of course. But, it also gives us a chance to examine the road we were traveling for the previous 4 weeks…yet another way to be intentional…perhaps to find meaning…in our reading. 

Or not.

I say this neither Annie or I brought books to this first meeting that made us stand up and shout "HURRAY!  Read this!" And, that is perfectly okay, right? Yes! We continued to have a spirited conversation with our attendees about topics ranging from poetry to historical fiction to scientific processes. The best part was the ease with which each freely described how these topics were woven around and through their life-long reading/learning.

There was a new visitor with us. Following a short-and-sweet version of Bookstackthe  program before the meeting, she shared her preferred method of tracking her learning. She keeps her books piled by topic, full of Post-it notes. The piles – situated in physical relations to one another – enable her to visually cross topics over when the mood strikes.

At the conclusion of our time this month, she commented, "I thought I was weird until I heard what you all have said. This is so great." I couldn't have said it better myself.
