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Gov. Markell’s address to the State Legislature

Written on: April 28th, 2009 by: in News

Governor Markell gave his first speech to a joint session of the Delaware Legislature today. It was a wide-ranging speech, covering the current budget crisis, his proposals for education and health care, and the need to create more efficient state and local government. At the State Library, we certainly took notice of this particular section:

Making state government smarter and more cost-effective is not enough. The state funds local governments in a variety of ways. We need to review whether Delaware taxpayers are getting the most for that money. To that end, we are launching a work group that will take a top-down look at savings across governments – the state, counties, cities and towns. Keeping those we serve foremost in mind, we will look at ways to share services like libraries, paramedics and procurement, as well as those provided by the county row offices, for potential consolidation and efficiency.

You can read the whole address here…
