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Tabbloid follow-up

Written on: March 15th, 2009 by: gicblogs in News

Just as a reminder, I have been using Tabbloid to push updates of the blogs I follow to my email in a digest format. This format has helped add real value to those notices for me. Here’s how:

  • I can access the videos and podcasts directly.
  • The links are active so I can hop out and in at will maintaining some context for my leaps.
  • Graphics are included! I didn’t realize how much more likely I am to choose a book if I can see the cover.

The downside? I now have way too many books at home waiting to be read. What a delightful problem.

Note: Colleagues on WebJunction just alerted me to another service called feedmyinbox that accomplishes the same task as Tabbloid…give one of them a try and let us know what you think.
