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Journals, blogs, and conversations

Written on: August 4th, 2008 by: in Learning Journeys

Autumnartfulblogging Honoré here: Last week I was reading the Autumn 2008 issue of a quarterly magazine: "Artful Blogging." One profiled blogger, Lesley Austin, shared a passage from Louisa Mae Alcott’s Little Women’s "letterbox-in-the-hedge"…The blogger goes on to say: "To think that Alcott’s description…helped me sort out my relationship with my online journal—for blogging is not like letter-writing ,… emailing, and not like a real, live conversation, but it is like me leaving something to be found if someone passes by and lifts the lid … and sometimes I find something left for me." Artful Blogging" Autumn 2008, p.119.

This passage resonates with me:

  • I really liked Little Women as a child – centuries ago – and immediately thought, I should re-read it, so on my list "to-get "it went and maybe I’ll even watch the latest movie version;
  • It [passage]caused me to stop/reflect and contemplate what it means to my own blogging efforts – sometimes I think they’re very futile ’cause I’m not sure I’m clear on my purpose and expectations. I love Artful Blogging – the pictures are lovely and it’s most interesting to read all the profiled artists’ hesitancy and expressions of awe, wonder, and appreciation for the community of bloggers support and encouragement. I am inspired and eager to create a blog worthy of my own appreciation, moreso than any one else’s and ahh- therein lies the rub…
  • I journal and document my reading and learning nearly everyday…how is it I’m not translating that experience and having that conversation among the online community? What do I need to do differently—or at all?

In her July 23 post, Kathy talked about paths winding back. I find as I am documenting my learning journey that the path is not circular but it twists, turns, goes up/down, in/out; is helter-skelter, scattered, messy, and so intrinsically me: I am like a magnet and immediately attracted to ideas, inspiration. Right now I’m clearly on an art/visual and tactile journal path… To be continued? Will I take to having that conversation with the online community via my own artfully-inspired blog? Let’s talk over a virtual cup of tea. 😉
