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Taste them again – for the first time

Written on: May 5th, 2008 by: in Learning Journeys

Honoré here:
Learning paths are filled with discovery and fun! Especially the one—quilting—I’m
on currently. Among my discoveries: magazines. There are many in the library
and on the newsstands, chock full of ideas, photos, directions, and inspiration
to make quilted items, ranging from pin-cushions to wearable pieces to beautiful quilts for the
bed or to display on the wall or drape across a couch. But, I’m not blogging
about quilting magazines—rather, magazines and the potential they hold, I’m
rediscovering, for furthering my own learning journey. Magazines are portable,
colorful and inside are wonderful nuggets of: information, ideas, inspiration,
book reviews, activities, classes, retreats, places to visit, challenges,
personalities, news, and even ways (advertisements) to spend your money. And
best of all—magazines appear in your mailbox on a fairly set basis.

MagazinesYou can get ideas and recommendations for magazines (on any subject) from the
library by browsing through the magazine collection and also, by asking library
staff to consult resources that review, annotate and evaluate periodicals – the
official term for magazines. Recommendations from others and browsing the
section of a large bookstore are also great ways to [re]discover magazines.

plan to save up my June stash of magazines to take with me on vacation; they’ll
make great beach reading. I encourage you to look at magazines, too, with a
different attitude or, as the old Kellogg corn-flakes’ commercial advised:
"Taste them again – for the first time."

